Emilce Suarez-Lipton, LCSW, PLLC
Mind-Body-Spirit Psychotherapy
Heart Opening Activations
Cacao Ceremony for Healing and Awakening
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- Expression of Self
An exciting opportunity came up to write one chapter for a book co-authored with 13 other women. The process of writing this chapter and having a beautiful space with women to share our powerful stories has been profound. It makes sense to me why I keep receiving messages about Self expression during meditation. Especially, since my Light Language got activated, I feel I have more to express. I have also noticed a smoother and clearer way of communicating with my smile, facial expressions, words, sounds, body movement, behavior, and the ways I show up for myself and others. It reminds me that we are always expressing something. Even when we are quiet, the silence says something and our energy is still moving with a certain frequency. During meditation, I asked my sacred heart about Self expression. The following is the transmission that came through. I invite you to take deep breaths throughout and allow yourself to receive. Feel free to tune into the sound of my voice, the movement of my hand, and the sound of the music. If you get distracted by the video, you may close your eyes and just connect with the sound. I recommend that you set aside about 7 minutes for this. Using earphones or headphones adds to the experience. Click below to enjoy!
- A Holiday Gift From My Heart!
This December has felt different to me as well as to some people in my personal and professional circles. I was tuning into my heart asking about the holidays this year when I received, "Joy to the world!" and as soon as the song began playing in my head, I also heard my heart saying, "It is not about the arrival of a savior. Joy to your innerworld, you have come." My innerstanding of this message was an invitation to rejoice in the arrival of a greater trust in my inner wisdom and to the allowance of my self expression in a more whole way. I then realized that this year I have been witnessing people taking greater leaps. They are doing things that they don't usually do. Some are putting themselves out there more. Even if they feel clumsy and unsure at first, they still feel a call to say that thing, to do that thing. They take the risk of being perceived differently. Even if the clumsiness causes discomfort to others, there is this warm feeling at the core, a relief, a sign of affirmation coming from within that it is okay to be that, to do that, even if "that" is a very different aspect from what they have shown. I feel that this is a sign of this journey of arrival to the sacred heart. An unveiling to ourselves first and then to others. As a result, a feeling of belonging and less weight in the shoulders speaks to more wholeness. The following is a beautiful transmission, the frequency of which is about arrival to Self for deeper connection to the Earth and the wisdom inside. "Joy to your innerworld, you have come." I suggest that you find about 11 minutes of quiet, private time for this. I invite you to be open to go on a little journey to your inner joy. Earphones/headphones add to a deeper experience. En-joy!!
- Happy Solstice!
As most of you know, I sit in ceremony everyday. It is my sacred practice for meditation, atunement and inner-connection. Yesterday, I was guided to record this transmission and to share it with you. I feel that it is a transmission to facilitate heart opening and inner connection. At the minimun, you may notice your energy shift to a more centered and calm state. I highly recommend that you listen to this transmission when you have about 7 minutes to sit or lay down in a private, quiet space without distractions. You may do it at any time of the day that you have a little quiet time for yourself. I also find that the early morning hours before I engage in the daily routine or before bedtime after turning off all devices and diming the lights to wind down, are ideal times for the nervous system and body to receive. You may use headphones or earphones for a deeper experience. Enjoy!!
- Endings And New Beginnings: Death And Re-birth. Part 2: Homecoming
One Friday afternoon during meditation, something unexpected happened. As I was channeling my Higher Consciousness and I was speaking the words coming through me in English and Spanish, I felt energy increasing in intensity. Then, I began to chant and to say words that did not make sense. It sounded like gibberish. Like some weird dialect. The chanting and movement of my hands during channeling was not unusual. I’d been doing this for a while. What was different was this bizarre dialect and increasing heat felt in the body. I moved my hands and fingers in accordance with the rythm and/or intonation of my voice. My mind observing it all happening thought “Okay, this is weird, but also kind of cool so let’s see how it goes”. The more I did it, the more I welcomed it. The more I welcomed it, the more I trusted it. The more I trusted it, the better it felt. I got hot, I felt a current of energy, a gentle wave of electricity moving through the center of my body. My head was tingling and I would not stop speaking this way. I took brief breaks because my throat began to hurt, but I felt like I wanted to speak more. The best way I can describe this is that it felt as though parts of my Core Self that were in silence for a long time, were finally set free and there was no more holding back. Although the “words” did not make sense and I sounded and looked weird, it all also felt familiar and natural somehow. These Core Self parts of me wanted to express themselves. “They” felt like different parts, but they were all me. The energy of it was coming from my chest and belly and all that area was vibrating. About an hour and half passed and only then, I felt like I wanted to take a rest. I felt expansive. I felt loved. As I reflected on the experience, I remembered that a few weeks prior, I had a session with a singer and sound healer who spoke what some call Language of Light. I thought it was weird and definitely woo-woo, but also intriguing. When I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and listened to her speaking this way, I felt very relaxed and in a lovely expansive state. It felt like a soothing sound bath. I had the same paradoxical reaction, “this is weird, but also very familiar and lovely”. I did not understand why it felt that way until I began to speak it that Friday afternoon. A few times, I have reflected on this blog about my process of detoxifying myself from distorted views of spirituality I grew up with, particularly from Catholism, but also from Spiritual frameworks and paradigms about the Divine as something to seek outside, something to achieve or to get from external sources. I have also re-evaluated the notion that being spiritual meant to be postive at all times. As I speak this Language of Light or as I like to call it “My sacred language” I palpably feel my Divine Light within me. My chest and belly vibrate gently, my temperature gently rises and I feel peace and a sense of wholeness, I did not experience as clearly before. I feel like this is my first language, a form of expression that precedes Spanish. As weird as this may sound, this sacred expression feels ancient, ancestral, galactic and magical. It feels as though all of these aspects and dimensions of me that are timeless gather together in a loving homecoming in my core and come through my voice and hand’s movement. It helps me clarify what I am feeling. It helps me ground and bring myself back to balance. Now, I use my sacred language every day. It flows naturally every time I close my eyes and tune into my inner wisdom. It comes through when I'm cooking, when I am watering my plants or petting my dog. It comes through when I am trying to communicate something and I need clarity to articulate exactly what I want to communicate. It comes through in the shower and when I wake up as well as during my bedtime routine. It is the expression of my Core Self, My higher consciousness, the essence of who I am. It feels so natural that I feel comfortable bringing it up during my work with clients with their permission and when it feels appropriate and aligned. Thus far, all who have heard me speak this way, welcome it and appreciate it. Feeling this homecoming does not mean I am immune to negativity. It actually makes me more sensitive to energy, so I feel things more deeply, yet I am also able to come back home to my heart and to a more neutral state. My sense is that throughout our lifetime, we experience multiple deaths and re-births. Evolution and transformation is inevitable as are endings and new beginnings. The challenges continue, the journey is long, but all feels much better when there is an expansive Core Self, a home within to come back to; and it certainly feels amazing to share the energy of this expansive state with others. My sense is that this energy of endings and new beginnings; of dying and homecoming is happening at a collective and individual level for many. It just shows up in different ways. Many are making shifts, taking big and sometimes unexpected leaps. Some are turning into themselves more, or perhaps connecting more with others. Some are co-creating from their heart more and exploring different spaces and ways of being inspired. Some are also reckoning, questioning, revisiting and reviewing parts of themselves and of their history. To me it is all part of the same process. A thread I see in some of my clients and people in my personal life is this invitation to integrate what has been perceived as opposite or that has been viewed in only one way. The integration of the masculine and the feminine, the physical and the non physical, life and death, dark and light, positive and negative. The invitation to re-visit experiences and memories and see them from different angles, noticing other layers, other players or dimensions that were not noticed, nor appreciated before. And the invitation to do all of this with as much self love, self compassion and self forgiveness as possible, so that we can offer the same to others. Thank you so much for reading all of this. My wish is that you receive the same invitation to notice what may be ending, what may be dying and what is birthing or wanting to be birthed within and through you. I would love it if you shared here or privately. In Love and Gratitude.
- Endings And New Beginnings: Death And Re-birth. Part 1
I have not written in a while. Perhaps because quite a bit was moving through me during the last four months. Movement was also flowing rapidly and I felt that I needed time to integrate. Since the end of the Spring, I have been seeing crows everywhere. I would notice them not just near food and waste sources, but also while driving, perched on stop signs, and near my balcony and office window. I imagine that they were always there, but I wondered why I was noticing them more. Is there a symbol, a message that I am bringing to myself through the awareness of these birds? I mentioned this question to a friend and she shared that she had a negative association with crows. She only saw them as scavengers. They reminded her of death and darkness. I then remembered that when I was a child, I heard that spotting crows repeatedly meant that someone close to you was going to die. Then, I was reminded about the classic Hitchcock movie and the multiple ways in which crows have been depicted in the media as dark or alludying to death and fear. Yet, the more I stared at them, the more I liked them. I felt compassion and gratitude for them. They clean up! I thought. They contribute to the alchemical process of energy. From matter to dust to matter, energy flows. The life-death cycle. I felt an energy of love and support rather than fear. Thus, I asked myself, is there more about the life and death cycle for me to explore here? There was another pattern I became aware of during the last four to five months. When I looked at the time, I saw 911. I would see 9:11AM and 9:11PM several times a week. I also saw 911 in scoreboards, license plates and route signs. My husband and my daughter know how often I see 1111, 333, etc in addresses, license plates and when looking at the time. We all laugh about it. Yet, this 911 thing was new. Similarly to the crows conection, my first association was negative: “emergency”. Then, as I took a deep breath inviting a broader perspective, I noticed other connections. The number 9 reminded me of the pregnancy cycle and other cycles marking preparation for something. When I was a child, in Colombia we had “La Novena de Aguinaldos”. Children would gather to sing Christmas songs and recite prayers 9 days prior to Christmas. We also had Novenas for multiple religious holidays. When my grandparents passed away, our family gathered with friends and neighbors for 9 days. It was believed that the prayers and chanting of loved ones during these 9 days would support the soul’s transition to the other side. As I made these connections, I decided to google it. And there it was, “911 in numerology is associated with endings and beginnings”, “an invitation to embark on a journey of deeper self-discovery” “shedding layers of old self and embracing a more authentic version of who you are” Then, I remembered that my 49th birthday had just passed. Up until then, I saw 2025 as the year of an ending of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. My 50th will be “the big year”, I thought. My daughter will go off to College. I will likely move, perhaps also welcome menopause and co-create exciting things professionally. However, as I tuned into the crows and 911 symbolism, I realized that the period of an ending of a cycle and begining of a new one was already in motion. I felt like soon I would begin to experience a sense of completion and of a clean slate sort of speak. Two days after my birthday, I got sick with a stomach virus. It must have been the first time in my 49 years of life that I experienced something like that. I guess I’d been lucky to only experience indigestion. A few hours of digestive symptoms followed by a quick relief. This thing was much more intense than that. I had fever, I had shivers. My body felt very weak. It was hard to even reach for a glass of water. I did not function for a few days. It then became clear to me that I was purging more than just a virus. This awareness helped me move through it with acceptance, openness and love for myself, and even for my stomach bug. I said, “yes, whatever is to move through and cleared out of my system, I allow it to be”. The severe symptoms only lasted a few days, but I did not feel completely back to myself for two weeks. During this time, I sat deeper in meditation and I noticed old patterns and not so loved parts of me and of my history coming up to the surface for me to be present with so that I could clear them. I had a few powerful sessions with a beautiful healer for ancestral integration. After the first week, I began to notice that energy had been freed up. I was also deepening my connection to myself, to the core of who I am. Now I can see more clearly how this year has been profoundly about welcoming myself more and more. About welcoming all the parts that make the whole of me and of integrating that which I unconsciously kept in exile. That which I and/or others denied and judged. Not only the psychological parts that formed during my development, but also aspects from other lifetimes. I received a clear invitation to consider the purpose in all I’ve co-created regardless of form and to integrate it into who I am from a place of neutrality. Although I knew that this work takes a lifetime, I could sense that as I allowed more integration, something deeper was emerging within me. I just never anticipated what that would be like. Thank you for reading. Part 2 continues next!
- Calling Your Higher Consciousness Energy: Trusting the Magic Within
Happy Full Moon and Summer Solstice! Have you been having more vivid dreams lately? Three dreams stood out for me a few weeks ago. I was standing in a hallway in front of an apartment door. It was supposed to be my apartment, but it did not look like my real home. To my left side, there was a beautiful dog, a Doberman. It was supposed to be my dog. Then, I noticed that my left hand was in the dog’s mouth. He had a tight grip on my hand, but I did not feel his teeth or pain. I only felt the pressure of his jaw on my hand. He was looking directly at my eyes, my eyes also gazed at his. It felt like a staring contest, a tense power dynamic. I felt some fear, but I also knew at some level that he was harmless. This scene repeated a few times. My attempts to trick him by offering him food were unsuccessful. Eventually, he would let go, but it was on his terms. The third time, I was guided to relax my hand. Then, I relaxed my entire body and completely let go of trying to figure out how to control the dog. This worked! The dog gently let go while looking at me and then we both went through the door in front of us. I saw us both walking as equals. He was wagging his tiny tale. I was happy too. When I woke up, I realized that my left hand was underneath my head and I felt soreness in my wrist. During recent months, I have been experiencing pain in my left wrist caused by carpal tunnel. I am writing a memoir, so I’ve been typing more, which triggers some pain. I had been addressing this with physical therapy which had not been fully working; so, I was trying to figure out a solution. The unsuccessful attempts to trick the dog into releasing my hand symbolize my mind’s attempts to control the pain. In the dream, I softened the energy of control and shifted the fear of being disempowered into the power of surrendering to the experience. Perhaps the dream’s invitation is to surrender to the experience of the pain rather than obsessing about how to control it. This shift has been more successful thus far. Two nights later I dreamed that I was lying down on my bed, only this bed and the room I was in looked very different. The ceiling disappeared, so I looked up and saw a beautiful peacock flying down toward me. He was approaching very rapidly and directly toward me, so I got scared. As he got closer, I noticed that he had teeth. The image of his teeth looked like a cartoonish smile, which I thought was funny. This alleviated the fear a bit, however, I still decided to put the sheet over me for protection. When he was just a few inches above my head, everything slowed down significantly. He was now moving very softly. Then, I felt the gentle touch of his head against my forehead and it felt like tingling. It felt as though he was tickling my forehead. It felt so real that when I woke up, I rubbed my forehead because I could still feel the tickling sensation. In my latest post, I wrote about a vision I received during channeling where a tall beautiful bird handed me an egg-shaped crystal from which I emerged as an Oracle. In that vision, the bird looked like a condor. In my recent dream, the bird was a peacock, but I felt like it was the same spirit animal. I sensed the same tenderness, wisdom, and grace from this bird. As with the dream with the Doberman, there was a theme of perceived fear and lack of control that showed up initially, but that later shifted into something else. This time, it shifted to an experience of tender connection and grace. The following night, I dreamed that I was in a beautiful cavern that was also a sanctuary. I was sitting in meditation and I knew I was about to fully embody my higher consciousness energy. I felt anticipatory fear. I worried that I would experience something scary. Yet, I was reminded to relax and I felt my higher consciousness energy coming into my body. As she came through, I became calmer. Then, she said, “You see? There is nothing to fear.”I felt very relaxed and in a very high vibrational state. It felt amazing. I felt her power and steadiness. Then, I noticed that my hands moved gracefully as though I was clearing invisible spiderwebs in my way. She said, “You see? You can effortlessly and gracefully remove what is not aligned. Your path is clear Dear.” What I like about vivid dreams with such clear symbolism is that they seem to leave an imprint. The information feels true and lands perfectly. The message is consistent with what I have been receiving through meditation and channeling for a while. To meet the fear with acknowledgment and curiosity rather than control. In this case, I believe I was supposed to acknowledge the fear to fully embody my higher consciousness energy. What would it mean to trust and rely completely on the life force energy that moves within me? I grew up praying to an almighty being that I thought was outside of me. It felt easier to rely on that being than on myself. I did not know that there was no separation between me and Source energy. Before these vivid dreams, I thought I had done enough self-work to know that I could trust and rely on my divinity. However, through the dreams and other powerful experiences I had during a profound Gemini season that just ended, I realized I still had fear around this that needed to be acknowledged and expanded. Therefore, I have been calling my Higher Consciousness into my body. The image that comes through when I call her is that of a steady, gentle flame floating above my head. This flame is white with blue and golden light surrounding it. It moves down through the crown of my head and into my body and it lands at my heart. Then, it expands throughout my energy channel (the center of my body) and I begin to feel expansive. I feel like my body is embedded in precious light and that I am engulfed in it. I feel flowy yet grounded. Then, the words begin to form. It feels as though I am speaking from my heartspace. There is no doubt. I am in my center. As I reclaim my inner power I’ve been experiencing deeper trust in my divinity and its guidance. It’s been beautiful to experience it shining through during some of my sessions with clients and in my personal time. As I was writing this, I felt a message wanting to come through: “You are invited to call your Higher Consciousness into your body. She knows who you are in truth. The truth of who you are wants to be embodied in the physical vessel that you chose. Call your human parts and your divine parts reminding yourself that all these parts make the whole of you, the Divine being living a human experience. You may bring your Higher Consciousness to your heart and allow it to be experienced and expressed through you. Through the Cosmos within your heart, you access the truth: that there is no separation between you and Source. That the Divine moves in and through everyone and everything that exists. You are invited to be in this state of awareness of Unity Consciousness even for a moment every day. Then, see yourself moving through life with more presence and acceptance… joining the sacred flow of the Universe. And so it is…”
- The Priestess Emerges: Channeling And The Oracle Within
A few weeks ago during channeling this vision came through: A woman was sitting on a green field near a stream of water. She appeared to be a sacred woman. A Priestess in a kneeling position with her seat resting on her feet. Although I could not see her face, I noticed the vivid colors of the green grass and flowers and how gently the water from the nearby stream was flowing. Then, my guides said: “We invite you to dive deeper and see what else you see in this vision.” I saw a beautiful big bird standing in front of the Priestess. The bird reminded me of the Andean Condor. She was majestic. I wondered what this vision meant. The first thing that came up was that the Priestess and the Bird were equals. In this vision, these two characters were not from different species. Also, they seemed to be exchanging energy. I noticed a feeling of hope. The scene that I was staring at felt tender and loving. “The Priestess shares her love with the Bird and the Bird shares her love back. Is there any message coming through this vision?” When my guides asked this, I felt like there was wisdom and power on both sides. There was a shared sacredness and an experience of communion. The Priestess and the Bird loved and respected each other. “They both stand in their foundation of love and sovereignty” The more I focused on this vision, the more I felt like there was something profound happening between these two characters. Then, I noticed that the Bird gave the Priestess something and flew away. “The Bird is placing an egg-shaped crystal in the Priestess’ hands. This crystal represents birth and new beginnings: Emergence. You are the Priestess. You are receiving the symbol of co-creation. The communion from which you emerge as the Oracle that you are and have always been. You are free. You are new” I always enjoy the visions that come up during channeling. Oftentimes, they add to the lovely energy that moves through my body as I channel. I feel more showers of goosebumps and a delicious floaty, yet grounded feeling. As a friend of mine who also channels would say, “Channeling is better than drugs!” The vision of my Emergence as an Oracle was a bit trippy but felt fantastic as well. I saw a giant vertical eye surrounded by golden light. This Eye appeared on the horizon where the sky met the still ocean. I saw the Moonlight reflected on the water. This image used to come to me at the beginning of channeling sessions during the first few months of this year. I was not sure what it meant, but when the giant vertical Eye emerged where the sky met the ocean, the message that came through was consistent: “Concentrate on this vision allowing multidimensional energy to come through the portal” (The Eye) “Portal, Oracle, Channel, and Bridge. Allow this to open within you” I googled the term Oracle. It is used to refer to “a priest or priestess acting as a medium bringing messages from the Divine.” Then, I searched for the term Channeler. This term often refers to “a person who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits.” Both definitions seem very similar to me. When I first became intrigued by channeling about four years ago, I saw it as something esoteric, paranormal, and bizarre. After I took two channeling courses, read countless books on the topic, and received mentorship with Mediums, Energy Healers, and Channelers, I began to use automatic writing to bring messages through. At first, the messages did not make a lot of sense. I wondered if I was making everything up. I thought perhaps I was just accessing thoughts of my unconscious. With time, I switched to verbal channeling and the messages became clearer and very consistent. The content of the messages felt different from my usual thoughts and I could differentiate my mind’s thoughts from the thoughts coming in through channeling. I have also gotten a clearer sense of who my guides are and the nature of our connection. My guides have said many times that there is nothing paranormal about channeling and that it is important to demystify this experience. After about two years of channeling, it feels completely natural. It is clear to me that everyone channels. It just looks different for different people. I see Channeling showing up as a profound moment of inspiration, an expansive spark of creativity. I believe that Channeling happens in experiences of deep presence. The kind of presence when your mind is much less active and you are completely relaxed and expansive. Some artists and performers speak about losing themselves and becoming one with the experience on stage. Some people feel this way when they profoundly connect with nature. Others experience it with plant medicine, prayer, intuitive dance, or other mind-body-spirit practices such as breathwork, yoga, or qigong. The main themes I receive through channeling are communion, unity, wholeness, sovereignty, and flow. Often, I receive visions inviting me to travel through time and space. Sometimes, I am invited to revisit memories allowing a shift and expansion of my perception of those memories. I speak about this in a previous post. Embodied Imagination Other times, I step into fantastical spaces such as this one of me as a Priestess communing with a wise, loving bird. This week, a song came on the radio when I was driving. The title, “Vuela, Vuela,” translates to “Fly, Fly.” This song was released originally in French in 1986 as “Voyage, Voyage,” but the version I was familiar with was from a Mexican band called Magneto. They released the song in Spanish in 1991. The original lyrics talk about traveling to different parts of the world to connect with others or to connect with yourself. The invitation is to “go with all your heart and teeter into the unknown.” The 1991 Spanish version talks about “flying with your imagination to find a new world…fly, fly, none will control your visions…fly, fly, you will see that everything is possible…fly, fly, awaken your mind” I was stunned to hear this song on the radio. I have not heard it in over 20 years. To me, this was not a coincidence. I prefer the word synchronicity. I was also surprised when I googled the lyrics of this song. I played it so much back in the 90s because it made me feel free and happy, but I was not conscious of its message. Thus, I had a big smile on my face as I continued to read the lyrics: “If you are looking for a place where the sky merges with the sea, fly, fly with your imagination. Flying you will find a new world, just let yourself go” “A place where the sky merges with the sea.” Isn’t this the same place in my vision of the giant Eye that opens letting multidimensional energy in? The original “voyage, voyage” song speaks about traveling to connect with others or with yourself and to “teeter into the unknown;” All of this is channeling! The song has been playing in my head all week, so I figured that I was meant to speak about it here. I realized that this post was meant to be about my emergence as a channel and oracle. I referenced in a previous post the song “Pure Imagination” from the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie. You can enjoy a lovely version of the song here: Pure Imagination song/video For me, pure imagination is a state of freedom and allowance. It is pure because I am grounded in love. I use relaxation and grounding practices to arrive at a calm meditative state. From there, I open the gates of my imagination with a clear intention: To commune with multidimensional energies of Universal Love and Light that are aligned with my sacred heart. The Portal/the channel/the oracle opens and then I let myself fly. At first, there was a part of me trying to intellectualize the experience. With time, my mind relaxed and I learned to trust. As the song says “Don’t be shy, it’s alright if you feel a little trepidation. Sometimes these things don’t need explanation” I hope that this post inspires you to notice moments of deep presence and freedom. And if you feel so inclined, I invite you to tap into that feeling and nurture your imagination!
- Connecting To The Energy of Allowance
In the spirit of expansion and to support you with the integration of the shifting energies of these times, I am sharing a meditation to tune into Allowance. Allowance to be in the now moment. When I channel, I am often guided on visualizations and meditative exercises. Sometimes, I get the sense that the meditation is meant to be shared. When that happens, I begin with cleansing breaths and let the words come in. There is no planning ahead before recording; therefore, at the beginning my energy tends to have some trepidation. My mind needs a bit of time to surrender the need to know what is coming and/or to control the choice of words, the duration of the meditation, etc. But at some point, I let go and allow my inner wisdom to guide the process. Oftentimes, I do get a sense of the general theme of the meditation and then some images may come to mind that give me a clue about where we might be heading with the exercise. However, at some point, I always get surprised. That is the fun part about channeling. For this meditation, I got a sense that the theme would be "allowance". After I started to record, an image came to mind of me being at the beach. I did not anticipate nor plan what followed from there. I figured I would share about my process with recording meditations because I think it is a good example of allowance. Once I let go, allowance is always pleasant and rewarding . I hope, in reading or listening to this, that you get to connect to the energy of allowance. Enjoy! Here is the transcription in case you prefer to read through it: "You may begin with a cleansing breath... Taking a deep breath to the belly, and exhaling through the mouth. And from there, just allow the breath to be what it wants to be. The invitation for this meditation is to connect with the energy of allowance and receptivity. So just honor this choice that you made to be with yourself, to pause, and to receive. Receiving sometimes sounds easy, but it is not. So, I want to support you today, right now, with connecting to this energy and allowing yourself to receive. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Allow yourself to receive. So, as you sit comfortably, or you lay down, whatever is more comfortable for you, continue to connect with your breath allowing it to give you the medicine that your body needs right now. So, just allow the breath to be what it is, trusting that it shifts depending on what your body needs at this moment. Now, imagine yourself standing at the beach. As you continue to connect with the breath. Feel your feet on the sand, feel the breeze, feel the sunshine, and look at the ocean in front of you. See the waves coming in and out. Now the invitation is to align your breath with the movement of the ocean. So, as you stare at the waves coming in, allow the air to come into the belly. And as the waves move out, the air goes out of the body. Notice the inhale as the waves come toward you, and notice the exhale as the waves move away. In...and out... in...and out... And now just allow it to have its own rhythm. Allow for the depth and the lengthening of the breath that your body needs at this moment. And just allow yourself to be here breathing air in and out as the waves come in and out. Nothing else is required from you or expected from you, but to be in alignment with the breath and with the water of this vast ocean in front of you.... Now, if it feels good to do this, why don't you go ahead and open your arms wide. Feel your feet firmer into the sand and open your heart. Feel yourself in your chest as if you have a beautiful flower there that opens wide to receive. Receive, allow, receive, allow for all the love, all the medicine that is meant for you to receive at this now moment. And allow the energy from the center of mother Earth, deep in the ground coming underneath your feet, all the way up, spreading through your body, reaching every inch of your being. And as your arms are wide open and your heart is wide open, a beautiful ray of golden light comes from above your head, showering your whole body, bathing every inch of your being. And you are still noticing the waves coming in and going away from you as the air comes in and out of your body. And these two beautiful energies from above and below move through your body, through your being as you see yourself expanding wider and wider in the shape of a star, a beautiful pentacle shape. A five pointed star that expands and expands and expands as big as Mother Earth now. As big as the planet itself and bigger. Go beyond, further and further, until you are a beautiful golden pentacle in space. You are right there in the middle of the universe. You are a pentacle. You are connected to All that there is. There's no separation. You are in unity consciousness. Be here... So just be here for a moment, allowing any message, any vibration, in gratitude for yourself, in gratitude for your existence. And if that feels complete, you can now slowly come back. Bring your awareness to your chest and to the breath. Notice the feeling and sensations in your hands, your legs, your belly, your skin. Feel the room that you are in. Taking one more cleansing breath together... in gratitude for this beautiful choice you made to be with yourself, to be in allowance and to receive. I wish for you to bring these sensations, this beautiful energy, this beautiful vibration to the rest of your day or evening. And so it is" Music by Deva Premal, "Deva Premal Healing Mantras"
- Total Solar Eclipse Energy: Light Surrounding Darkness
Last weekend I noticed that I was more contemplative than usual. When I tuned in to channel on Sunday I wondered about what Monday’s Solar Eclipse’s energy would bring to the planet. Thus, I opened up to receive any medicine that this energy had for me and an image came to mind of the total solar eclipse in which the corona, the sun’s atmosphere, can be seen. As I meditated on this image of a dark sphere with a golden ring surrounding it, the first message came through. “Even during temporary darkness, or, shall we say, even during the temporary absence of light, you can still see the light surrounding it. There is light in the absence of light. And then this absence of light moves through and light fills the entire space again” This message resonated with me. It reminded me of a unique take on the term “redemption,” that my guides have mentioned multiple times in the past. I tend to be wary of religious language; metaphysical and spiritual language feels better to me. Yet, their definition of redemption landed well because it was different from what I expected. They spoke about the experience of re-visiting a memory or an experience with the aim of looking at it from a loving place, with curiosity and without judgment. The idea is to approach it from different angles, honoring and validating the point of view you have held while also being open to considering additional angles. This is not to be confused with invalidating your perception or bypassing the negative to jump to false positivism. This redemption is not about receiving absolution for wrongdoing either. On the contrary, the intention is to resist the inclination to judge and to release the shame that has kept parts of us in exile. Guilt and shame cause parts of us to hide. When we hide, we are not letting our light shine bright and to be expressed to its fullest. One of my mentors always reframes the “yes, but” with “yes, and”. Yes, that was true. And what else is there for me to see? This way we make space for re-writing and re-creating narratives, beliefs, and paradigms that developed because of limited perceptions of our experiences. In this sense, redemption refers to the act of reclaiming our energy and taking our power back. The shifting of perspective frees the parts in exile. They no longer need to hide. When I revisited the perception of my first haircut when I was a child, I was shown elements that I had not seen before. I spoke about this in my previous post, “Unbraiding and Expanding My Perspective Of The Past”. I validated the perception of that experience, honoring its negative effects on my 8-year-old self (i.e., feeling like my self-expression was cut off). I also realized that something else emerged from that haircut. I gained some independence and I was freed from the daily pulling and tightening of my hair that carried energies of tension, rejection, and resentment between me and my mother. Although I am still integrating this shift and expansion, I palpably feel a renewed energy around this memory. I feel like I reclaimed something. I recently had a conversation with my mother about this and I want to think that the negative energy that I had projected onto her about this memory was also freed. The channeling message about the Solar Eclipse continued: “May you harness the energy of this eclipse. May you see the clear golden light surrounding the absence of it. May you do this across all times, all dimensions, and all spaces. May you shift and expand perceptions, narratives, ideologies, and paradigms guided by this beautiful principle, that light surrounds the absence of it and that there cannot be rebirth without death.” This statement brings up some thoughts for me. It reminds me of the places I have arrived through the healing of grief. As painful as grief can be, each time it has offered me an opportunity for introspection, renewal, and the emergence of deeper power. I also thought about death at different levels. A while ago I read that our bodies replace billions of cells daily. It sounds like we have a new body every day and yet we do not see or feel the difference. I like to think about this every time that a part of me feels stagnated. If there is something constant and reliable in life it is change. A part of me wishes for change to happen at a certain speed or in a certain way. I also have parts of me that hold onto some things and would prefer to keep them as they are. But something I am becoming clearer about is that movement is happening all the time at some level and perhaps at many levels even when I perceive otherwise. And in my experience, when powerful change has shown up unannounced and unwanted, it has always elicited some sort of rebirthing. On Monday and Tuesday, the energy felt different to me. The best way that I can describe it is that it felt still and thick. I felt like there was depth and profound stillness. I also sensed that energy was rising from underneath the ground and that at the same time, there was potent energy that arrived from the Cosmos. This combination felt profound. Since then, I have been more still, subdued and contemplative. Also, it is more expansive and grounded. Yet, I can imagine that waves of different emotions may show up at some point as these two energies, the rising and the arriving integrate. “The Solar Eclipse brought an energy that supports this process of redemption and of re-writing your perceptions of past, present and future so that you can have a more expansive, more present and whole experience” I think that some perceptions are harder to expand and re-write than others. It all depends on what we are ready for or willing to revisit. I am curious about what else will show up for me in the coming days and weeks. If you feel inclined, I would love to hear how this lands for you or how your energy feels these days. Are you receiving any eclipse insights? 🙂
- “Meeting” My Needs: An Invitation to Listening Deeper
The other night I had a hard time falling asleep. I tried breathing exercises and meditation, but I still could not sleep. There was nothing on my mind. I was not in touch with any particular concern. After a few hours, I became increasingly frustrated as I began to notice body sensations that kept me awake. I felt too warm, then I felt a bit cold. I felt itchy. My hair was loosely tied in a bun, but it still felt tight. Then, I got hungry and noticed my legs were a bit sore from yoga. For each of these sensations, I thought about what to do to address them, so that I could finally feel like I had all the right conditions for sleeping, yet, nothing seemed to work. I noticed that the usual ring in my ears got louder, thus, I decided to tune in to channel and see if there was something for me to allow in at that moment. “Meeting your needs. Humans use this expression frequently. What does it mean? It seems like meeting your needs is interpreted as satisfying them. Would you consider focusing on the word “meeting” as getting acquainted with your needs before aiming to satisfy them? Also, what if you frame this experience not just as a need, but as the perception of a need?” This message helped me notice that I indeed tend to address discomfort before allowing myself to be with what I perceive. Then I thought that this thing about tending to what my body needs gets confusing. In the past, I sometimes ignored what my body needed. Are we not supposed to tend to our needs instead of neglecting them until reaching a point of further discomfort? Getting a glass of water when thirsty - that is a very basic example of satisfying a need, isn't it? What came through as a response to this question is that I was not being discouraged from satisfying a need, or a want. I was invited to consider noticing the perception of the need or a desire and being with this experience and to listen before deciding what to do about it. “You can see what else is there. Then, move accordingly. Also, are you curious about which part of you is speaking through the perceived need or desire?” I have a few thoughts about this. There are basic needs that we satisfy to survive. There are also things that we desire that enhance our lives and add to our happiness. For me, there are some wants that I am attached to that I experience as needs. Regardless of how I feel about these attachments, it is not a bad idea to become curious about them. So I reflected on the attachments I have chosen to release. For example, some old habits that felt ready to be shifted and that I parted ways from organically. I also reflected on attachments that part of me wants to shift, but that another part of me still holds on to. Sometimes there is a push-and-pull dynamic between these conflicting parts. And, I thought about some attachments that feel good for me and that I still pretty much desire to maintain. Why is it that I want those things again? I do not usually pause to reflect on something unless it is causing some type of discomfort. Perhaps once in a while, I can also pause to look at what is good and comfortable and revisit that alignment. I also welcomed the invitation to reframe the experience as the perception of a need or desire and to meet this experience with curiosity and openness. The question, “Which part of you is speaking?” caught my attention. It reminds me of the premise of IFS (Internal Family Systems). What I like the most about this psychotherapy model is the premise that we are made of many different parts. That these parts develop for a reason and they are all equally important regardless of how they feel or how we relate to them. And that developing compassion for all of our parts allows for integration and wholeness. I do not pause and ask myself which part of me needs or wants something every time that I need or want something. That feels like too much. Yet, I do set a daily intention to check in with myself a few times throughout the day. I want my aim to not necessarily be about changing my behavior, but about expanding my awareness and my experience. I want to welcome more and more of my parts. As I write this, I am enjoying a “bon bon bum”, a yummy Colombian lollipop that soothes a young part of me and connects me to happy childhood memories. I feel like I enjoy it even more knowing which part of me craves it and what she wants to soothe. Stay tuned for the voice recording of a Meditation that came through this morning. The meditation ended up being about connecting with the energy of allowance. Allowance to be who you are, what you are, and where you are. I will post it soon!
- Embodied Imagination In Alignment With Earth Consciousness
I have been going through a powerful inner transition. Many people I know are also experiencing a transition. It makes sense. As Mother Earth’s consciousness is shifting, we are invited to shift with her. Life feels to me like a big transition as we are constantly renewing and evolving. Perhaps this perception of my existence is allowing me to move through it with more presence and less attachment to specific outcomes. An important shift that I talked about in the last post is the way I relate to my body. I have been meditating and channeling for several years and yet I had not paid close attention to my body in this way until recently. Last week I reflected on this idea of the body being a sophisticated antenna that communicates precious information about who we are, and where we have been, as well as our potentialities and ability to shift our inner reality. At the same time, this antenna is constantly picking up on the energies around us. For me, I’ve learned that depending on the content, it can take only a few minutes of watching the news to feel my energy shift from a calm state to an activated state. Whether it happens consciously or unconsciously, information is coming into and out of our bodies all the time. With this in mind, I tuned into Mother Earth’s consciousness asking her to show me more about how this antenna feature of the body works. As I arrived in a meditative state, I noticed pressure on the left side of my head around the ears. As usual, I was guided to deepen my breath and to expand my energy from my heart space using the image of a crystal that lands over still water that I’ve described in previous posts. I stayed in my heart for a moment and then I brought my awareness to the area in my head where I felt the pressure. An image came to mind of me at seven years old sitting on my bed. I was afraid and hiding under the sheets. From an early age, I had the feeling that there were nonphysical energies around me. Although this feeling sparked my curiosity, it also made me feel afraid. I felt as though I was often trying to figure out what was safe to allow in and what was not. This is a normal part of being a child, but it seems like as a sensitive child, it was a lot to navigate this in both the physical and the nonphysical realms. Writing about this now, I get the sense that I shut down my intuition for the nonphysical so that I could focus on the physical. Thus, when this image showed up, I felt the need to go into my childhood bedroom to be with my seven-year-old self. I undid her braids and gave her a scalp massage. She smiled. I then saw myself and my seven-year-old self surrounded by beings of white and blue light. I got the sense that they were the guides that have been around me since that age. Next, the room became very bright and I saw rainbow light moving all around us. I noticed that I had these colorful crystals on my hands and I proceeded to place them on each of the chakras of my 7-year-old self. She was excited. “All her chakras are open, cleared, and spin, emanating bright light. Allow her precious light to move through harmoniously in divine coherence. Her channel expands from her heart space in all directions to the infinite. Rejoice in how this feels” My seven-year-old self shifted from feeling afraid to feeling expansive and safe in herself. She was reminded of who she was, she could feel her love and her power. I reminded her how to connect with this love and this power inside placing one hand on the chest and one hand on the belly. Then, rainbow light moved all around her like a spiral from toe to crown and from crown to toe. Golden light moved through the crown bathing her whole body. She was happy, she was playful, and she felt secure and whole. “She forgot that she was feeling scared a moment ago. There's no fear to be had. Dear one, you walk around now fully grounded in Mother Earth that sustains you every day with the elements of breath, water, soil, and fire. You are held, and you are supported. Rejoice in the deep connection that you and all humans have with these elements from Mother Earth” The image that came next was that of my seven-year-old self walking on beautiful grass and feeling the four elements in her body. She felt the air coming in and out with her breath, the fire in her belly, the solid structures in her body, as well as the water moving through her entire system. “You see, there's no need to hold on to fear about these nonphysical energies. She can now trust her precious body, her intuition, and the gift of grounding that Mother Earth provides. She can allow her body to release any energy that is no longer coherent with her new soul template so that the areas in her head or any other part of the body can also release the pressure” At this point, I got the sense that the area where I felt pressure was holding fear and needing to control what came into my energy field. As an adult, I was releasing ideas about hiding and protecting myself. Yet, there was no threat anymore. I can allow what is in my head to be expressed. I can shift it, I can release it. I can also decide what I allow to come in. It is up to me. On multiple occasions during channeling, particularly if I tap into childhood memories, an image of me jumping rope comes to mind. I used to love jumping rope. Still do, though I have not done it in a long time. In this image, I often see my current adult self jumping rope. This time, the image came back, but it was my seven-year-old self. “You seem to enjoy seeing yourself jumping rope on the grass. There's a big tree behind you. There's a stream on your left side, and as you jump, you hear the sound of the water moving. Your hair is out, your coils are free and happy. Tap into the experience of being in full control. There's the coordination of movement between your arms and legs. There is a rhythm that happens. You can flow through the movement without thinking about what you are doing. You can even close your eyes. Stay in this flow and sovereignty. You know that you can stop at any time. You can also slow down or speed up. You can jump on one foot or both feet. And as you close your eyes, you fully trust your body, your sovereignty, and you join your flow”. I enjoyed this experience so much. I was my seven-year-old self having a blast! I imagined the warmth of the sunshine on my face and the breeze that caressed my bouncy coils. As I felt my heart beating faster I felt more alive, happy, and strong. “You can hear the sound of the water from the stream that reminds you of this flow that you found and that keeps you going. You know that you can listen to your body telling you when it is time for a break and if it needs water. How about imagining cool refreshing water moving down your throat? This hydrating water reaches every part of your body, washing out any stagnated energy. You then feel that your body temperature and heartbeat settle back into balance. You feel grateful for this experience with yourself, your precious body, and the elements.” My channeling experiences remind me of the Pure Imagination song from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. “There is no place I know, to compare with Pure Imagination! Living there, you'll be free, If you truly wish to be. If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it! Want to change the world, there's nothing to it!” Of course, real life does not necessarily look like paradise. Changing our situation certainly is not that simple. There is plenty that we cannot control, but I love the idea of playing with these powerful technologies to shift our inner reality. We can access our limitless imagination and the potency of our sensitive bodies. We can connect with the elements of Mother Earth to ground ourselves and experience what is there for us to experience with every moment and every breath. Here we have sovereignty. Here we let go of the need to control so we can join our flow. Connecting to our inner flow allows us to be present, and from this presence, we can expand our perspective of our present, past, and future.
- The Body: Often Neglected, yet Sophisticated Technology
Last week I shared about an expansion in perspective of my first haircut at 9 years old. Among other things, I realized that a part of me connected to self-expression was deeply shaped by this childhood experience. Some things were cut off or interrupted. There was also some space for me to begin to relate to self-expression through my hair in a different way. This week I continued to reflect on these identities that seemed to be shifting and asking for further expansion. I tapped into ideas about my body and self-expression. How much do they tie to my self-worth? I wanted to learn more. As I tuned in to channel, I was guided to bring my attention to my body. “Are there any parts of your body wanting to show identities ready to be shifted? For many, there seems to be a reconfiguration going on in the body at this time. What if you placed your hands tenderly over your belly with love the same way that you did when you were pregnant? This area of the body does a lot for you. There is digesting, processing, absorption, releasing, renewal and birthing not only physiologically, but also energetically” I had been experiencing bloating and discomfort so I asked this part of my body to show me what I needed to see. And as the message from my inner guidance came through I was reminded that I only rubbed my belly with love and tenderness during pregnancy. Otherwise, I am more likely to neglect that area of my body unless it is affecting my appearance or if I am having digestive issues. Then, I remembered that in Ayurvedic medicine and the Yoga tradition, the Solar Plexus is the energy center associated with personal identity. My next thought was that this made sense given that I had been releasing identity parts that no longer aligned. So, what do I do to make the bloating go away and feel good again? “What does that mean to feel good in the body? Absence of pain. Yes. Softening, relaxation, expansiveness, absence of tension. Yes, the body aims for harmony and balance. It spends a lot of energy bringing itself to homeostasis over and over again. At the same time, the body acts as a big antenna, a sophisticated technology that is not only focused on efficiency, appearance, and performance. It also holds your Soul’s energy. It is constantly reflecting the energetic processes of shifting, re-arranging, and emergence happening within. Your life force’s energy is expressed through your vessel. It guides you through your releasing, transmuting, and rebirthing” As I was receiving this message I felt Mother Earth holding me. I felt as though she was swaddling me and at the same time speaking to me about the body. Images came to my mind. Scenes that moved fast but that allowed me to appreciate how much my body has held for me. It has carried the imprint of my life experiences, my family’s, and that of my ancestors. It also guides me through the releasing, healing, and expansion. Then, I recalled a dream I had the previous night. This dream appeared to have elements of my past, present, and future. I was with my family in a new beautiful house. This house was located by the beach. I could see the blue sky and the beautiful sunshine. Interestingly, our new beautiful house was floating on the ocean and moved with the waves of the ocean, so I wondered for a moment if I would experience motion sickness at some point, but I did not. I seemed to enjoy this swaying movement of the house. I also had two showers that did not work well. Because of the movement, the water kept going out to the hallway. My daughter, my husband, and I kept laughing about it. Also, at some point, my dog was missing. The dog that was missing in my dream was a dog that I had in my early 20s who passed away a long time ago. Eventually, we found her. I saw her and my current dog who lives with us in my awake life playing together. It was a happy, but strange dream. My guides continued: “In the dream, multiple elements felt unsettling. There was shifting with the waves, but there was also a felt sense that you wanted this shift and that it was supposed to be that way. For a moment you wondered if the movement would make you sick, but it did not. You thought you had lost your dog, but you found her. So, some unsettling elements got settled. The movement continued the same way that there is shifting for you and many at this time. Simultaneously, there was a gorgeous ocean, beautiful weather, and sunshine, and you were in a new house with your family and your two pets. One from the present and one from the past” I understood. Like the broken showers, the bloating and belly discomfort are signaling the shifting and re-arranging going on. Deeper layers of identities about my hair, my body, and self-expression are being re-visited, re-known, and expanded to be integrated. Yet, underneath it all, there is still a sense of equilibrium. Perhaps, I can continue to tend to my belly by being with it from a place of love. I do not need to pathologize it or be quick to fix it. I can just connect to it, give it love and listen. As I write this post, I am reminded that there is much more to the body than organs working efficiently so that we can do what we want to do. The body holds magnificent power that helps us heal. There is a reason why body-oriented therapies such as Somatic Psychotherapy have proven to be so effective. My guides often say: “You are invited to use your physical vessel to connect with a deeper level of consciousness. When you drop into the body you go deeper within the layers of who you are and beyond therefore accessing aligned multidimensional energies” Therefore, I would like to encourage you to tend to your body in any way that resonates with you. We are invited to harness the power of this free, completely accessible technology by bringing our awareness to it, connecting to the breath, and setting the intention to listen. What is your belly saying? what is the tension in your shoulders communicating beyond the tension? If there are any images, thoughts, or sensations coming through, see if you get curious about what they seem to be communicating to you. The other day I had a headache and was feeling tired, so I decided to do gentle, slow yoga on my own, just following what my body wanted to do. After a moment, I found myself speaking to my body as I moved through the poses. As soon as I was done, I wrote down what came through. I know that it may sound corny, but I will still take a risk and share it with you: “I am honoring my body and what it has experienced. I thank my body for carrying me all these years. I take you for granted sometimes, but you are always here for me and I love every inch of you. You are beautiful and perfect. We are one and from now on I intend to be more mindful of honoring this unity” I thanked the Earth and my breath. I thanked my past and honored where I have been as well as the beautiful place where I am and the wonderful adventures ahead. It was so heartfelt and organic that my body responded and the headache disappeared. I felt better. I was full of gratitude!